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After Purchase Customer care

Customer Service ability

We are not a large manufacture with a huge dealership network.

You are getting 24/7 repair service with a direct line the Edison Motors shop and factory when you can immediately talk to one of our mechanics. All trucks come with complete parts list to places like CBS & Fort Garry parts. You get the entire built list of parts you can source quickly.

Under warranty you take it to any shop you want, if you have a mechanic that you like working with, Edison will work with them too.

We realize that downtime is often more expensive that the repair. If it’s enough to wait to take it to a shop: Edison has several training programs with local trades school for summer students. We train the students in the summer to service electric commercial trucks not only for ourselves but so they can work for the early adopters of electric semi trucks. If requested by our customers we can connect these new mechanics who are trained by Edison to work on our trucks to our customers to hire out of school. Nothing says being able to service an Edison truck like hiring an Edison Trained mechanic.